Tuesday, November 28, 2006

November 28th, 2006 - The Holy Land

The ceasefire between Israel and the Palestinian militants again proved fragile today as a Kassam missile was launched from the Gaza strip and landed in the west of the Negev (Israel's southern area). The ceasefire had already been broken within minutes of its proclamation two days ago as missiles landed in the city of Sderot in the south of Israel. The city's population, which suffered numerous casualties in the last few weeks due to increasing missile launches out of Gaza, was unprepared for this breach. The sirens caught many of the residents out of their homes and away from shelter. Though no casualties were reported today, the ceasefire is viewed by many Israeli's as a shaky deal at best.
The ceasefire was negotiated between Israel's Prime Minister (PM), Ehud Olmert, and the president of the Palestinian Authority(PA), Mahmud Abas. Abas, of the Fatah part, has reiterated his call for resumed negotiations with Israel, but the frequent breaches of the ceasefire cause many in Israel and the international community to doubt the level of control Abas has over his own people.

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