Secretary General of the United Nations, Kofi Annan, related today his vision of the Arab-Israeli conflict:
Two states, Israel and Palestine living side by side in peace. The borders of the two countries will be based on the border of 1967 and the capital of the two states will be a divided Jerusalem.
The issue of Palestinian refugees will be solved within the boundaries of the Palestinian state and would not involve resettlement in Israel.
As to Syria and Lebanon: the two countries will have full diplomatic relations with Israel.
Annan claimed that both sides have a way to go in order to fulfill his vision and that each side must recognize the hardship it is causing the other. Only by accepting some of the other's view point can an agreement be made. Annan accepted Israel's position that terrorism did not equal unintentional harm which has befallen Palestinian citizens during IDF operations but did not absolve Israel of responsibility for it.