Thursday, December 28, 2006

Olmert adresses graudates of IAF

In the graduation ceremony of the new pilots of the Israeli Air Force (IAF), Prime Minister, Ehud Olmert, spoke of Israel's desire for peace.

Olmert said that Israel remains attentive to any peace overture or threat made by neighbouring countries.

Olmert went on to say that if Israel's neighbours truly desire peace they will find a partner in Israel.

Olmert stressed that any form of peace is dependant upon Israel's strength and military capabilities.

Abu Mazen called for "Serious talks"

At the end of a meeting with Egypt's president, Mubbarakm Palestinian president, Abu Mazen, called for the establishment of additional channels of negotiation between Israel and the Palestinians. Abu Mazen called for behind the scenes talks, chaperoned by a member of the Quartet (US, Russia, Europe, UN) to discuss the urgent issues of the day and the outline of a permanent solution.

2,000 rifles to Palestinian moderates

Israel authorized the delivery of 2,000 rifles to Abu Mazen's troops in Gaza. The shipment was delivered last night.
The shipment included 20,000 ammunition clips in addition to the rifles. The shipment was passed through one of the border passes between Gaza and the Siani desert.
The shipment is intended to assist Abu Mazen in his power struggle with Hamas in the Gaza Strip. Last week a smaller shipment of 300 rifles was delivered to the presidential guard in Ramallah.
Hamas denounced the shipments as blatant attempts to interfere in internal Palestinian issues.