Sunday, December 3, 2006

Islamic Jihad: The Gaza ceasefire

Islamic Jihad, a Palenstinian terror organization, announced today that it is redrawing from the ceasefire agrement which was declared between Israel and the Palestinian militants in the Gaza Strip.

Despite 7 rockets that were launched during the week long ceasefire, Israel chose not to respond in order to allow the Palestinian's more time to implement the ceasefire.

Islamic Jihad blamed Israel for the breakup of the ceasefire and threatened to strike at Israel within the next few hours. Islamic Jihad argued that since the ceasefire did not extend to the West Bank, something it blames Israel for, it will not stop its activity within Gaza either.

Islamic Jihad was responsible for many suicide bombings over the years inside Israel and is one of the organizations who made it a habit to launch Kassam rockets from Gaza into Israel.

Islamic Jihad does not recognize the state of Israel and its goal is the establishment of a Muslim state on its territory.

The IDF's activity in the West Bank will continue

In today's meeting of the Israeli government, the Israeli security minister, Amir Peretz, reviewed the security situation of Israel.

Due to the continued efforts of Palestinian terrorists in the West Bank to commit attacks on Israeli citizens, it was decided that the ceasefire which was proclaimed in the Gaza Strip will not be expanded to te West Bank at this time.

Further, Peretz, reported that massive smuggling of weaponry and funds to the Gaza Strip from the Siani desert continue unabated. What the Palestinians are arming themselves for can easily be surmised.

In Lebanon, several caches of munitions were discovered since the end of the war there last summer. Peretz reported that Hezbollah is rearming itself by smuggling weapons from Syria. Despite UN forces deployment, the border between Lebanon and Syria is far from sealed.

Peretz also related the humanitarian efforts the IDF is making in the Gaza Strip, efforts which are undermined by the continued infractions of the ceasefire by the Palestinians.

Israel - Another breach of the ceasefire

Another Kassam rocket was launched today out of the Gaza strip by Palestinian militants. Today's rocket was the seventh which was fired out of Gaza since a ceasefire was declared between Israel and the Palestinian militant groups a week ago. The rocket landed in an open area and exploded without causing any injuries.

The Israeli government is scheduled to convene today for its weekly meeting and discuss the fragile status of the ceasefire. Analysts opined that Israel will not retaliate at this present time in order to allow the Palestininan authority more time to bring the situation in Gaza under control.