Israel's PM, Ehud Olmert, spoke today in an interview with German channel SAT1.
In the interview in what may have been an irresponsible slip of the tongue, Olmert broke Israel's nuclear ambiguity policy. It has been surmised that Israel possesses nuclear weapons, but Israel has never admitted or denied having that capability.
Olmert spoke of the Iranian nuclear program, and when asked whether the fact that Isreal had nuclear weapons weakened the western position vis-a-vis Iran, Olmert included Israel along other democratic countries like France, USA and Britain, making the point that the weapons themselves are not dangerous as long as the country holding it is reponsible. As Iran is threatening Israel with annihalation, it should not be allowed to develop nuclear arms. Olmert called on Germany to sever its ties with Iran.
Olmert's statement aroused great criticism in Israel political arena. The PM is on a diplomatic tour of Europe.
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