The standoff at Rafah continues.
Palestinian PM, Ismail Haniyeh, is still waiting on the Egyptian side of the Rafah pass where he is being held up for the past few hours. Haniyeh was not allowed to return to Gaza as he brought with him 35 million dollars.
Firefights erupted between Hamas supporters and Fatah supporters. Hamas supporters also fought with Egyptian border guards. At least 10 people were injured in the shooting.
The European observers who are supposed to be stationed at the Pass cannot return to their post for fear that they will be lynched by the Hamas mob (numbering in the thousands) which has gathered nearby.
Earlier, an agreement was reached in which Haniyeh was to enter Gaza but leave the money in the Siani desert, but sporadic gunfire and threats made against the observers prevent their return to the pass, so Haniyeh still waits in the Siani side of the Rafah Pass.
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