Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Olmert to meet with secretary Rice tomorrow

Israel's PM, Ehud Olmert, is scheduled to meet with American Secretary of State, Condoleezza Rice, tomorrow in Jerusalem. Rice is scheduled to meet with Palestinian president Abu Mazen (Mahmud Abas) earlier that same day.
Olmert and Rice are to discuss the way in which the Israeli-Palestinians negotiation may be restarted. Olmert's speech of two days ago in which he expressed that Israel would be willing to withdraw from large parts of the West Bank in return for a full and lasting peace is hoped to become the catalyst of a return to the table between the two sides.
The meeting between Olmert and Rice was not planned in advance as Olmert met with Rice during his visit to the United States two weeks ago.
A meeting between Olmert and Abu Mazen has yet to be scheduled while the ceasefire which was declared in the beginning of the week has already been broken a few times by Palestinian militants

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