Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Assad and Olmert deny any letter

The letter which Syrian President, Bashar Assad, supposedly sent to Israeli PM, Ehud Olmert in which he urged him to begin negotiations without any preliminary conditions and promised to restrain Hamas and to stop weapon smuggling to Hezbollah through Syria, simply did not exist.
Both Olmert and Assad denied any such letter. Olmert was the first to deny it through his aides earlier this morning and he was backed by Assad this evening while on a state visit to Russia.
The "letter" was reported by Arab television this morning and aroused enthusiastic responses in the Israeli political arena.
Throughout the day analysts doubted the existence of such a letter as it appeared that Assad would never have promised so much before negotiations even begun.

(editorial note: I would appreciate it if you, the reader, would take the time to participate in the Webpoll I published on the right hand side of this blog)

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