Friday, December 29, 2006

A day of rockets in the south of Israel

10 Qassam rockets landed today in the south of Israel. All the rockets were launched by Palestinian Terrorists in the Gaza Strip. Today's barrage brings the total of Qassam rockets since the ceasefire was proclaimed to over 70.

The 10th rocket landed in a kibbutz and caused panic. All over the Western Negev sirens blared today as 10 rockets fell around several towns and kibuttzes in the western Negev. How Israel would respond to this escalation is yet unclear, but residents of the Western Negev are screaming for military action against the rocket launchers.

Saddam has been delivered to Iraqi officials

The Americans delivered Iraq's former dictator, Saddam Hussein, to Iraqi officials.

Saddam has been sentenced to death by an Iraqi tribunal for his crimes when he held the position of Iraq's president.

Last minutes attempts to secure a stay of sentence by Saddam's lawyers failed. It is believed that Saddam will be executed in the coming hours.

Saddam is to be hanged.

Israel shall not release prisoners for the Muslim holiday

Despite reports to the contrary, Israel shall not release Palestinian prisoners before the Muslim Holiday of Sacrifice. The release was destined to be a gesture towards Palestinian President, Abu Mazen, for his stand against Hamas and his expressed desire to resume negotiations with Israel.
Members of Olmert's staff said that if the Palestinians had adhered to the ceasefire, a release would have been made. The Palestinians have launched more than 60 rockets from Gaza since the ceasefire was proclaimed.
It is believed that Olmert withdrew his offer to Abu Mazen due to Israeli public opinion who will not look kindly upon prisoners release while IDF soldier, Gilad Shalit, is still held by Hamas.